HFLA-SA, in partnership with SAJSS, Creates a new 0%-Interest Loan Fund for Jewish Older Adults

The Hebrew Free Loan Association of San Antonio (HFLA-SA) is honored to share the news of its growing partnership with San Antonio Jewish Senior Services (SAJSS) in addressing the needs of our community’s Jewish older adults.
Building on its prior grant in 2016, and in response to increasing demand for loans, SAJSS has generously granted an additional $20,000 to HFLA-SA to establish the SAJSS – HFLA-SA Loan Fund for Jewish Older Adults. Thanks to the generosity of several major donors and the Jewish Federation of San Antonio, this grant has been matched twice by HFLA-SA as part of its current $200,000 Matching Community Campaign. As a result, an additional $60,000 is now available to provide 0%-interest loans to Jewish older adults in San Antonio and 15 surrounding counties.
The joint leadership of SAJSS and HFLA-SA are acting as our traditional Jewish sources command:
· “If you lend money to My people, even to the poor among you, do not act toward them as a creditor; you shall not charge them interest.” – Exodus 22:24 (Parasha Mishpatim)
· “You shall not lend him your money at interest or give him your food for profit.” – Leviticus 25:37 (Parasha Vayikra)
Michael D. Robbins, President of the HFLA-SA, noted that “HFLA-SA is proud to be a vehicle for assisting financially vulnerable Jewish older adults. Partnering with SAJSS since 2016, HFLA-SA has already distributed over $20,000 in zero-interest loans to Jewish older adults via the SAJSS Goldsmith Family Senior Fund of HFLA-SA. In addition to this $20,000 already loaned to Jewish older adults, roughly $30,000 in additional loans from other funds have been lent to our older adult neighbors in need of a temporary financial hand-up.”
Alvin Loewenberg, Board Chair, SAJSS added "San Antonio Jewish Senior Services is delighted to partner with Hebrew Free Loan-SA, the Jewish Federation of San Antonio, and other donors to make additional loan monies available to Jewish older adults in our community. Sometimes older adults find themselves in very difficult financial situations for a number of different reasons. How wonderful it is that Hebrew Free Loan, SAJSS, the Federation, and others have joined hands, hearts and minds to assist. Partnerships allow much more to be done for those in need. We can accomplish more together than apart.”
Stacey Kline Schwartz, President & CEO, SAJSS said that “SAJSS is delighted to strengthen our partnership with HFLA-SA and to increase the dollars available for lending to older adults in the Jewish community. We are grateful to the leadership of HFLA-SA for recognizing the need for additional loan dollars available for older adults and for seizing the opportunity to triple SAJSS new gift through the community’s response to HFLA-SA’s matching campaign. It is incredibly gratifying to know that, through HFLA-SA, SAJSS will be assisting our constituents in such a vital manner now and forever through this joint revolving loan fund.”
Howard S. Feinberg, HFLA-SA’s Executive Director, shared that “our organization continues to make available zero%-interest loans to members of the Jewish community for the wide-range of issues facing today’s older adults, families, students, etc. This new named fund allows SAJSS, through HFLA-SA, to directly assist Jewish older adults as they navigate through temporary financial challenges. And, like all HFLA-SA’s loan funds, this fund will last into perpetuity; as loans are repaid, the money is recycled into new loans. We are so grateful that SAJSS, the Jewish Federation of San Antonio and other donors make it possible for HFLA-SA to help community members when needed.”
Together, we encourage all members of the community to think of those in need during these challenging times. Whether older adults or otherwise, if you or someone you know has need for a financial hand-up via a zero%-interest loan, please contact HFLA-SA at 210-736-4352 or visit www.hfla-sa.org.
Michael D. Robbins, President, Hebrew Free Loan Association San Antonio
Howard S. Feinberg, Executive Director, Hebrew Free Loan Association San Antonio
Alvin Loewenberg, Board Chair, San Antonio Jewish Senior Services
Stacey Kline Schwartz, President & CEO, San Antonio Jewish Senior Services