Founders, Visionaries, Donors through the Years
Since 1924, the generosity of HFLA-SA's founders and all its past, current and future donors have mandated and will continue to empower HFLA-SA to offer interest-free (0%) loans providing financial assistance to our friends and neighbors.
Every dollar ever donated helped dozens if not hundreds of loan recipients over the decades and will continue to do so in perpetuity.
As our resources increase, so does the number of loans available to those in need.

The Mitch Michelson
Z”l Memorial

Fund for Youth Programs & Services
and Emergent Needs
Photo: Mitch Michelson, Z"I
This perpetual loan fund was created to honor the memory of our friend and colleague, Mitch Michelson, z"l. Mitch was unflinching in his support of the people served by the agencies and synagogues within the Jewish Community and beyond. His untimely passing left a huge hole in the hearts and souls of so many people, organizations, and groups he cherished.
Son, Husband, Father, Brother, Friend, Confidant, Supporter, Mensch. Those words define relationships Mitch highly valued, and characteristics recognized by so many others who met and worked with Mitch on important community issues and activities.
Past Board Chair of the Jewish Federation of San Antonio, a leader in the Alamo Council Boy Scouts of America, life-long active member of Temple Beth El, an active participant in the pipe collectors and glass bottle ship builders’ communities, Spurs fan, rodeo enthusiast.
In matching Mitch’s influential work helping the youth in the Jewish and general communities, this zero-interest loan fund will be targeted specifically for helping financially struggling local Jewish families to provide youth programs and services for their children/grandchildren as well as address emergency situations.
The Fund will be maintained and administered by the Hebrew Free Loan Association of San Antonio according to its policies and procedures established over almost 100 years of confidential service to the San Antonio Jewish community.
The founders of this special memorial fund all knew and loved Mitch for who he was – a kind, gentle man with a huge heart. Though sorely missed, his legacy lives on in his children and the institutions to which he gave so much of himself.
If you are a family in need of a financial hand-up to provide services and programs for your children and grandchildren, please click the button below.
And if you would like to help increase the amount of funds available for loans that meet these needs, please click below to donate.
The following people and organizations are the founding contributors to the Mitch Michelson, Z”l Memorial Fund for Youth Programs and Services and Emergent Needs (List in formation):
Charlotte Sue and Richard Alterman
Dr. Glenn Halff and Mindi Alterman
Gayle and Stanley Alterman
Bar Yadin Family Foundation
Susan and Brad Beldon
Louise and Michael Beldon
Susan and Steve Butler
Esther and Howard Feinberg
Dave Fisher
Pearl and Israel Fogiel
Leslie Klein and Mark Freedman
The Fuller Family
Candy and Buddy Gardner
Rachel and Jonathan Gurwitz
Raquel and Lenny Holzman
Lisa and Nammie Ichilov
Judy and Mike Kelne
Shelley and David K. Koch
Linda Levy and Daniel Laser
Sandy and Saul Levenshus
Mary and Harry Levy
Judith Lackritz and Bill Long
Lowell Michelson
Barbara and Jeff Moss
Suzanne Olian
Kristy and Alan Petlin
Sara and Richard Planto
Laura Zausmer and Mike Richardson
Art Riklin
Rabbi David Komerofsky and Ronit Sherwin
Cathy Siegel
Hazzan David and Barbara Silverstein
Allan Smith
Rabbi Samuel and Lynn Stahl
Drs. Alice and Sergio Viroslav
Amy and Perry Wulfe
11:48 Lunch Bunch (Steve Butler, Mark Freedman, David K. Koch, Alan Petlin, Hazan David Silverstein)
Chabad Center for Jewish Living and Learning
Chevra Kadisha of San Antonio
Congregation Rodfei Sholom
Jewish Federation of San Antonio
Ohr Lanu
San Antonio Jewish Senior Services
Temple Beth-El